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Excess water in a site where work is being conducted is not suitable for the workers and the work being conducted. Aside from the workers and the work being conducted, it is also not good for that environment because excess water increases the chances of erosion occurring and allows for the dwelling of contaminated water, therefore introducing toxic pollutants to the area.

Of course, we can always address this issue by adopting the solution known as dewatering. Dewatering is a process that removes excess groundwater in an area or site to facilitate a conducive environment for the site’s workers and the work being conducted.

However, specific things to consider when opting for a dewatering service on your site. These factors include the nature of the soil on the site, the ground’s stability, and more. Diverse forms of dewatering services are influenced by the factors mentioned earlier. These dewatering services include Open-Ditch pumping, WellPoint Systems, borehole dewatering system, and more. 

Understanding which dewatering service is best for your site is needed to get the best dewatering results. Thankfully, this article will focus on Open-Ditch pumping, what it is, how it is being conducted, and its benefits. Read on to learn more exciting information about the topic. 

What is Open-Ditch Pumping?

Open-Ditch pumping is a form of dewatering that involves extracting water from a site through an Open-Ditch located in the center of the site. The idea is that water in the site flows down to the ditch; thus, the position of the Open-Ditch depends on the site.

How Does Open-Ditch Pumping Work?

Like every other dewatering method, it needs to be conducted by a professional. The professional visits the site and examines it to know if open-ditch pumping is suitable. If it is suitable for the site, the professional pick the ditch’s position, and then a high-head drainage pump is used for water extraction. The extracted water is either channeled out of the site, collected in a tank, taken away from the site, or reused in the construction work.

Benefits Of Open-Ditch Pumping

These are some of the benefits of open-ditch pumping that distinguish it from other dewatering methods:

  1. Safe removal of water: From the description above, this dewatering method might be seen as superficial and not too productive in addressing groundwater at steep depths. However, it is simple only for a professional and effectively extracts water from steep depths. This method is one of the few dewatering methods that remove surface and subsurface groundwater without altering the Soil’s quality.
  2. Quick method: If the description above gave the impression that this method is fast and easy, then yes, it is fast and easy. This is because the professional uses the site’s topography as an advantage; thus, there is little need to dig or drill.
  3. Impact on the environment: This dewatering method can be used in complex cases and maintain the site’s quality. It can be used in sandy soils and sites with a high deposit of gravel and produce quality dewatering results.


Open-ditch pumping is a unique dewatering method, and this article has explained why it is so. We have highlighted its benefits and how it works is very simple and easy-to-understand terms.