
Various developments and advancements in construction technology have made it possible to construct beautiful structures in overly water-logged areas, a feat that was not possible until recent years. These beautiful structures can stand because of the nature of the foundations constructed for the structures.

Indeed, constructing these foundations involves the application of specific methods. A standard method used when constructing foundations in water-logged areas is dewatering.

Dewatering is the process of reducing the water content present in the soil in a specific region. There are several ways of dewatering depending on the soil in contention.

This article will highlight some top essential things about using a WellPoint system for a foundation in water-logged areas. Read on to discover more interesting information.

What is A WellPoint System?

Use of a wellpoint pump and a series of wellpoints in a configured wellpoint system. NB Wellpoints cannot be used in any soil conditions. Soils must be reasonably homogeneous sandy conditions.

Components of WellPoint Systems

WellPoint dewatering systems primarily consist of four components to function effectively. These components include:

  1. Riser Pipes: Transfer recovered ground water from the wellpoint screen to slightly above ground level allowing connection to the flexbow.
  2. Header pipes: The outer pipes collect extracted water from the riser Pipes and channel it to a specific location or container. They collect water from riser Pipes and head the water in a specific direction.
  3. Well points: Wellpoints are comprised of the wellpoint screen usually approx. 500-750mm long connected to the bottom of the riser pipe.
  4. Pumps: These extract water from the soil through the WellPoint(s).
  5. Flexbows:  Flexible heliflex hosing c/w gate valve connects from the riser pipe to the manifold.
  6. Header pipe / Manifold:  Transfers recovered ground water from the wellpoint riser, flexbow and manifold to the wellpoint pump.
  7. Wellpoint pumps:  Recovers ground water from the wellpoint system and discharges to a designated discharge point.

How to Use WellPoint Systems for Foundation in Water-logged Area

There are specific steps to follow to ensure that your WellPoint system effectively dewaters a water-logged area. These steps include:

  1. Install wellpoints as designed for the site and ground conditions. Typically wellpoints are installed @ 1.5m spacings unless ground conditions require otherwise.
  2. Connect the wellpoints to the manifold via flexbows. Connect the manifold to the pump.
  3. Using vacuum from the wellpoint pump recover water from the wellpoint system
  4. Locate the discharge hose from the pump to the designated discharge point.
  5. Continue the dewatering process until the site has been backfilled and compacted.


The depth and number of WellPoint(s) used in a construction area for dewatering depend on the nature of the site. However, WellPoint systems can be regarded as one of the most effective, reliable, and versatile dewatering methods.

All wellpoint dewatering systems must utilise the latest dewatering equipment and technology. This article has provided details that best explain the WellPoint system of dewatering. It has also examined some components of the wellpoint system to help you understand better.